<p>Some people can smell the coming of a season in the air and it can light a fire in their soul. For some, pencils smell like Fall, fresh flowers or rain like Spring, for others, freshly cut grass is an offering to the Baseball gods and thus a new season is imminent. But there is one season that gets my blood flowing like no other. This particular season bombards each of the five senses until my body practically shudders and I am drawn to that place, that Mecca of escapism, the theater. Fore it has arrived as it has every year previous. It is summer movie season, the greatest season of them all!</p>
<p>I'm not sure I can explain exactly why I love summer movies so much or whether I like the season itself more than the offerings. </p>
<p>There is a certain feeling in the air when that first Friday hits. To me, it's electric. There is a powerful current moving through society that bonds us with an anticipation level so high one can not contain it, rather expression is required, your excitement fuels others. It is the best, most positive chain reaction there is and for one season of the year, no matter who you are, you are likely to find common ground with someone, conversations spring with passion with people otherwise ignored, that love of spectacle. Which is purely what summer films are spectacle.</p>
<p>Originally people considered the summer season a good time for huge movies because people would rather sit in a cold theater than be out and about in the heat. Which is all well and good, but I don't think that is purely the case any more. We've had summer movies going on forty years now, it's turned into a national addiction.</p>
<p>Each May we begin prepping ourselves for the onslaught of maybe quality, but always fun entertainment. Which must release endorphins because lines, no matter how long, never seem that bad, chatty people are never really that loud, and there is a general common enthusiasm that unites everyone. I can't think of one other season, sans Christmas, that people act the way they do. But perhaps you think I'm being hyperbolic or even wearing rose tinted glasses and I'll agree, perhaps. But I will offer you this, try to go to a packed midnight show and not get a pure rush of adrenaline and joy as those lights go down.</p>
<p>I think that congress should go see The Avengers at midnight, I'd bet the next day, despite being tired, they'd get a lot more accomplished. Why? Because when a good summer movie hits it turns you into a kid again, it makes you look up to things that are larger than life, to imagine a world were our enemies are supernatural and our common trait is that we are merely human. It's beautiful really and a common theme running through summer film, hope. </p>
<p>Summer films do not discriminate. They do not care what color your skin is, they just want you to have a good time and believe in the impossible and to hope. Hope that humans really are one, that common excitement can unite us like no other. Color and creed matter not, only that the air is cool and the speakers are loud.<br>
Friday, May 4, 2012
I've Got a Feeling, It's hard to Explain
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